nutritionist - Agnese Le Pape

Who am I?

Like many of you, I did not start my professional journey in the field I am in today. After several years in marketing and communication, I realised that to be fulfilled in both my personal and professional life, I had to make a change.
Long passionate about healthy and satisfying food, always interested in the connection between our health and nutrition, I finally decided to study micro-nutrition after returning from maternity leave following the birth of my second child.
The beginning of this path was not easy. During my studies, my one-year-old son was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma - a very aggressive cancer of the soft tissues that grows rapidly and without swift intervention can quickly endanger the child's life. After a long and draining year of antibiotic therapy, chemotherapy, proton therapy, surgeries, hospitalizations, and isolation, we were able to halt the growth of the malignant tumor that had affected our son. After this battle, our two-year-old son was left with severe intestinal dysbiosis, a permeable intestine, food intolerances, skin reactions to almost any food, intestinal inflammation, and profound deficiencies in vitamins and minerals.
During my son's illness, my eldest daughter regularly complained of stomach pains and had also suffered from severe eczema on her face, reacting strongly to the consumption of processed foods and dairy. Dermatologists only offered solutions based on corticosteroids to treat symptoms, and unfortunately, my daughter developed a tolerance to the prescribed skin creams. Subsequently, dermatologists prescribed other creams with frightening side effects - the possibility of developing malignant tumors. That's when I said STOP.
With one child completely weakened after a battle with cancer and another treated with allopathic medicine without considering the possible consequences and our family's case, I decided to take matters into my own hands and find a natural and effective solution. A solution to eradicate the cause of my children's health problems instead of continuing to battle with symptoms.
After a year of treatment applying the principles of micronutrition, my daughter's facial skin has healed, and her stomach pains have disappeared. My son, who is still in the active phase of treatment, is much better, and his skin reactions are calmed.
The path to healing and optimal health is different for everyone and often not as easy or as quick as desired. Nevertheless, I am convinced that a holistic approach applying functional micronutrition is an indispensable tool on the path to healing. 


2024: Dimploma in Human Anatomy and Physiology - Cycle 1 - Ecole de Thérapies Complémentaires et Médecine Alternative (TCMA) - Geneva, Switzerland

2024: Further Education Courses:

  • Mother Tinctures in Pediatrics - Laboratoire Ceres

  • Phytotherapie - Dermatology & Managing metabolism and weight - Laboratoire Pilèje

  • Fertility and Immunity - Laboratoire MGD

  • Microbiome management through metabolites - Laboratoire MGD

2023 - Further Education Courses:

  • Intestinal Ecosystem and Allergies-Intolerances - Laboratoire MGD & TCMA

  • Cardiovascular Diseases and Inflammation - Laboratoire MGD & TCMA

  • The Thyroid: Easily diagnose thyroid disease - Laboratoire MGD 

2022 - Diploma in Nutrition - Ecole de Thérapies Complémentaires et Médecine Alternative (TCMA) - Geneva, Switzerland