Request a free discovery call

Click here to apply for a free initial call to discuss your challenges


  • avocado

    Initial / General Consultation

    During the initial consultation I shall examine your health history and hear your health and nutritional challenges.

    You will leave with an initial explanation adapted for your case and will receive additional informative materials, a sample meal plan if need be and a detailed treatment plan within 24h by email.

    Duration: 90 min

    Price: 150 chf

  • lemon

    Follow-up Consultation

    During the follow-up consultation we shall discuss your progress, any concerns you may have and make necessary adjustments to your plan if need be.

    You will receive an adjusted / new treatment plan by email within 24h.

    Duration: 45 min - 60 min

    Price: 90 chf - 120 chf

  • brocoli

    Follow-up consultation 3-Pack

    Most situations require a long-term approach to reach the desired results.

    Opt for this solution to receive:

    • Reduced hourly rate

    • 3x complimentary check-ups via Whatsapp between the consultations

    • Three 45 min regular follow-ups to monitor and adjust your progress

    You will receive an adjuste / new treatment plan by email within 24h of each consultation.

    Duration: 45 min x 3

    Bundle price: 225 chf

  • banana

    Starter Consultation 3-Pack

    Plan ahead and book the starter pack to enhance your motivation to commit long-term and reach the desired results.

    Opt for this solution to receive:

    • Reduced hourly rate

    • 3x complimentary check-ups via Whatsapp between the consultations

    • Initial 90 min session + Two 45 min follow-up sessions to monitor and adjust your progress

    You will leave the first consultation with initial recommendations tailored to your situation and will receive a detailed treatment plan, informative materials and a sample meal plan, if applicable, within 24h by email.


    • First consultation: 90 min

    • Follow-up consultations: 45 min x 2

    Bundle price: 280 chf

  • pineapple

    Weight-loss Consultation Bundle

    For an easy and healthy weight-loss with long-term results.

    Opt for this solution to receive:

    • Reduced hourly rate

    • 7-day custom-made meal plan

    • Initial 90 min session + four 30 min follow-up consultations

    • 3x complimentary ckeck-ups via Whatsapp

    • Complimentary informational materials

    You will leave the first consultation with initial recommendations tailored to your case and will receive a detailed step-by-step guide and the tailored 7-day meal plan within 48h by email.


    • First consultation: 90 min

    • Follow-up check-ups: 30min

    Bundle price: 530 chf

  • Initial Session + 7 Day Meal Plan

    Depending on your needs, I can supply you with a custom-tailored 7-Day meal plan.

    The package includes:

    • Reduced hourly rate

    • Initial 60 min consultation

    • 7-Day meal plan (breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner)

    • Informative materials

    • Body Measurements

    The meal plan and informative materials shall be supplied by email within 48h of the initial consultation.

    Duration: 60 min

    Bundle price: 340 chf