Areas of Expertise
Things I can help you with

From weight management to relieving autoimmune disease symptoms to treating gut related illnesses, I am here to assist you.

I am passionate about the role human microbiome plays in our health and apply functional nutrition to find the root causes of your problems and provide you with an appropriate treatment.

Basics of healthy diet

No matter where you currently stand in your health journey, it is possible to improve your wellbeing through adjustments to your diet. Through adapting your diet to likes and needs, and by adding the necessary supplements, I can help you maximise your body’s health potential.

Choose between personal or family themed consultations where we can look at the needs of each family member.

I will provide you with sample meal plans and educational materials to kick start your journey.

Click here to discover special bundle price for healthy habits-focused nutrition advice.

Assisted Weight Loss

Whether driven by a health concern or a personal desire to adjust your weight, I can provide you with a step-by-step guide to reach your objectives.

By providing your with adapted meal plans, regular check ups and educational materials, you will be able to confidently move towards your weight goal

Choose between individual consultations or opt for a pack of 3 consultation to follow up with your progress.

Click here to discover special bundle price for weight-loss-focused nutrition advice.

Improve your Gut Health

An adult body is inhabited by roughly 38 trillion bacteria which requires a specific diversity in order for a human body to function properly. The imbalance of bacteria in human gastro-intestinal tract is responsible for many health conditions and digestive issues one can experience.

Symptoms such as constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, nausea, brain fog, migraines, extreme fatigue can all be signs of a leaky gut and imbalance of gut microflora.

Through detailed health history and clinical exams, I focus on treating among others:

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  • Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

  • Small Intestine Fungal Overgrowth (SIFO)

  • Intestinal inflammatory diseases (Crohn’s)

Choose between individual consultations or opt for a pack of 3 consultation to follow up with your progress.

Click here to discover and learn more about special bundle prices.

Food and Environmental Allergies and Intolerances


Histamine plays a central role in triggering the symptoms of food and environmental allergies and intolerances.

In food allergies, histamine is released by the immune system in response to particular food allergens, causing symptoms such as hives, itching, and difficulty breathing. In food intolerances, on the other hand, histamine is naturally present in certain foods and can accumulate to high levels in the body, leading to symptoms like migraines, gastrointestinal discomfort, and skin reactions in individuals who are unable to efficiently break it down.

Environmentally, when exposed to allergens such as pollen or dust mites, histamine is released by immune cells, triggering symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and congestion.

By examining your health history and running necessary clinical exams, I will help you determine what triggers certain reactions in your body. Many times, allergies and intolerances can be reversed by improving gut health.

Based on your case, I will provide you with a natural treatment plan and an adapted meal plan to keep the unpleasant health reactions at bay. If possible, after the treatment, we will start a slow reintegration process to make sure you can enjoy your favorite foods without any harm to your health.

Choose between individual consultations or opt for a pack of 3 consultation to follow up with your progress.

Click here to discover and learn more about special bundle prices.

Relieve and Prevent Underlying Chronic Health Conditions

During a nutritional consultation for managing underlying chronic health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and others, I shall first conduct a comprehensive assessment of the client's medical history, current lifestyle, and dietary habits.

In addition to the nutritional assessment, you might be recommended specific clinical exams to evaluate any potential risk of developing or managing existing conditions. Additionally, comprehensive screenings for blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference shall be conducted to provide a more holistic understanding of your health status and guide further personalized nutritional interventions.

Following this, you will be provided with a personalised meal plan that focuses on controlling blood sugar levels, reducing sodium intake, and promoting a balanced diet rich in whole grains, lean proteins, and vegetables. We shall also discuss adequate lifestyle habits to support overall health and manage specific conditions.

Additionally, ongoing support and follow-up sessions will be scheduled to monitor progress, make adjustments to the plan as needed, and support the your long-term adherence to a health-promoting lifestyle.

Click here to discover and learn more about special bundle prices.

Ageing and Bone- and Joint-Friendly Nutrition

In a nutritional consultation focused on ageing and bone- and joint-friendly nutrition for preventing and managing conditions like osteoporosis and inflammatory bone and joint diseases, we shall begin by conducting a thorough assessment of your medical history, overall health and dietary habits, lifestyle factors, and specific concerns related to bone and joint health and / or ageing.

The consultation emphasizes the importance of a diet rich in calcium, vitamin D, and other essential nutrients crucial for bone density and joint function. You shall receive a personalized meal plan that includes foods promoting anti-inflammatory effects, and we shall discuss portion control and maintaining a healthy weight as excess weight can contribute to joint stress.

Regular follow-up sessions are scheduled to monitor progress, adjust the nutritional plan as needed, and provide ongoing support to promote optimal aging and skeletal health.

Click here to discover and learn more about special bundle prices.

Preconception Nutrition

Preconception nutrition consultations are designed to optimise the health of both partners when they are planning to conceive a child. It involves making dietary choices that support reproductive health, provide essential nutrients, and address any nutritional deficiencies that may affect fertility.

In the scope of preparing for conception the couples / individuals will be advised to run certain clinical exams to determine any micronutrient and vitamin deficiencies and shall be provided with a custom-tailored treatment plan to optimise their health and give their offspring the best possible start in life.

It's important to note that fertility nutrition is just one aspect of overall reproductive health. During this consultation we shall also discuss other factors, such as managing stress, regular exercise, and potentially consulting with healthcare professionals for personalised advice based on their specific health needs and circumstances.

A number of follow-up sessions shall be scheduled to monitor the progress and determine when the optimal health condition is reached to attempt to conceive.

Click here to discover special bundle price for preconception nutrition advice.