Frequently Asked Questions

  • Whether you are willing to treat specific health concerns or are looking to regulate your weight, applying the appropriate recommendations coupled with healthy lifestyle habits will benefit multiple aspects of your life. I will provide you with the right tools to make lasting changes in your life that will help you increase energy levels, improve your sleep, reduce stress and regulate your weight. More importantly, it will improve your digestive system, reduce inflammation and deal with chronic health issues using natural products.

  • Before our first meeting, depending on its purpose and concerns, I might ask you to fill out a questionnaire to bring along to the consultation, as well as prepare the names of any medications you are currently taking.

    Then, on our first consultation we will look closely at your health history and current health concerns and look at what potential solutions can be applied to establish a treatment plan.

    Depending on your case, specific lab tests can be performed to obtain an in-depth view of your current health state. Together we shall establish a treatment plan supported by regular follow up appointments to keep a close eye on your improvement and adapt the treatment plan should that be necessary.

    You will leave the consultation with initial recommendations to improve your case and will receive a specific treatment plan by email within 24h to kick start the treatment.

  • In order to support you fully in your transformative journey, you can rely on my assistance also in between our consultations using WhatsApp or a dedicated email address. Between our appointments, I shall also check on you to make sure that the treatment plan suits you, and we will make necessary adjustments if need be. It is important to remember that what suits one person, might not suit another, therefore we can always explore various strategies to find the one that works best for you.

  • The fact that you have made a decision to reach out to a health specialist is already the first step to a successful health transformation. It is important to have the desire to become a better version of yourself as it will motivate you to take every next step necessary for your improvement. The key to a successful treatment is your dedication to the process and maximum disclosure of your health and lifestyle habits.

  • To get a full picture of your current state of health, please bring along any questionnaires that I might have asked you to fill out and have on hand the name of the medicine you are currently consuming.

    We will also examine your diet, therefore having given a thought of your daily food and drink consumption can be useful.

  • The first consultation is longer lasting 90 minutes and therefore is charged 150 chf.

    All the following consultations are charged 120 chf per hour. All consultations follow the Tarif 590 method where they are billed according to a price of 10 chf per interval of 5 min.

  • The first consultation where we discuss your health history and main concerns takes approximately 90 minutes.

    All following consultations will range between 45 minutes to an hour depending on your case and concerns.

  • Many exams, if signed off by your General Practitioner (GP), can be reimbursed by your insurance, therefore a collaboration with your GP can be useful. I will let you know which lab tests can be reimbursed should your GP sign the prescription form.

  • In my practice I apply functional medicine approach where I use clinical exams to support the elaboration of a treatment plan according to the patient’s needs. This ensures a more precise approach and allows to target the exact problem areas of the patient.

    It is also possible to apply a general protocol for many concerns, however, it might take longer to achieve the desired result.

  • Face to face consultations take place on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at Institut Aphrodite Beauté in Epalinges (Route de la Croix Blanche 42, 1066 Epalinges) from 9:00am 5:00pm on appointments only.

    Depending on the type of the challenge you are looking to address, it is also possible to conduct most of the consultations via WhatsApp or Skype*.

    *Consultations requiring body measurements cannot be conducted virtually.

  • In order to create a custom-made meal plan tailored to your needs, we shall need to conduct a single hourly consultation where I shall examine your health background and you can express your desires and concerns.

    The meal-plan shall be then provided to you via email within 48h.

  • After the initial consultation you shall leave with general first explanations regarding your case.

    A detailed treatment plan together with additional informative materials shall be provided to you via email within 24h.